Compassion and Politics, A Connection

I am attempting to connect two ideas that I have never tried to connect before: compassion and politics. I just returned from a nation-wide event, the launch of Bernie Sanders’ grass roots campaign organization. The event was attended by more than 100,000 people at 3,500 locations across the U.S. But that is not why I…

An Unknown Hero

“I am so sad about this.” That is how I reacted to the news and shared it with some friends. Another young person, which now makes three, has died since I camped with them on Freedom Plaza in Washington, D.C. in the fall of 2011. All three died long before their time, in strange and…

Why Do I Keep Falling In Love?

Hello Folks! A brief prelude….This is my first post here in more than a year! Yes, really, it has been that long. Wow. So it may be a shock to actually see a post here, but here it is! Why Do I Keep Falling In Love? Yes, why do I keep falling in love? Sometimes…

The Cost Of Distrust

I have been struggling to express this thought from some time now. I have come up with different approaches, but none seemed simple or direct. Today, I came across an article I hope will help me illustrate it. In the article, the author weighs the the costs and benefits of vaccinating children. I am not…

Wealth and Power – by the Erstwhile Economist

“Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man’s character, give him power.” – Abraham Lincoln For many years now, I have been interested in economics. Not enough to study it a whole lot in college, just enough to know higher math is not my forte. Nevertheless, I continued to be…

The Angle of the Dangle

No, I am not talking about what you think I am. That doesn’t dangle all the time, although it certainly does so more than it did when I was younger. I am talking about everything else but that. Everything else that I live with. I live in a dangly world. In my world, everything dangles…

Earth – A Balancing Act

Earth – A Balancing Act Mother Earth, as I hope we all know my now, is immensely powerful and a fully conscious being, a power much greater than I think we humans can comprehend. Gaia has ways to heal Herself; after all She has been here a helluva long time. One way in which She…


No one of us has the same perspective as another. Actually, it is impossible for us to have the same perspective as anyone else. When you or I or any other group of two or more look at something, no two or more of us is perceiving the same reality. For illustration, assume that you…

Is This Why I Can’t See It?

Your browser does not support the video tag What if the “new world” or what Eckart Tolle calls the “New Earth” was now emerging into our experience? What if what is emerging is not expressed in the dimensional experience which we perceive? Is this what is happening? Yes. Let me tell you why I think…

Killing The Golden Goose

While reading about the Fukushima reactor disaster that continues to impact us, I sought someone to blame, someone to hold responsible. Like many people, I want to blame TEPCO, the electric company that owns and runs the reactor and now, the government of Japan for not regulating and monitoring industry safety and the dysfunctional clean…