No, I am not talking about what you think I am. That doesn’t dangle all the time, although it certainly does so more than it did when I was younger. I am talking about everything else but that. Everything else that I live with.
I live in a dangly world. In my world, everything dangles in accordance with the angle of my residence. When I am in a level place, which rarely happens, the dangle almost disappears, but not entirely. Except on those rare occasions, everything in my world dangles to some extent, depending on the angle of the tilt.
For the last year or so, I have been dealing with a modest, but persistent tilt. About 5 degrees I think. I haven’t measured it, but based on past experience with this phenomena, it seems about right. I encountered one of the more difficult aspects of the dangle angle tonight making dinner. Frying pans tilt along with everything else. So when cooking with them, in this case making pancakes, I have to take the dangle angle into account. If not, hot burning substances can easily overrun the lip of the pan. In order to cook things evenly on the pan, it is necessary to tilt it in the opposite angle occasionally. This can be tricky and requires both skill and good timing, neither of which I seemed to possess tonight. Only one of the three pancakes came out right; the other two were under or over cooked.
Sometimes, the dangle angle isn’t obvious. I often cook rice in my old cooker which I balance on top of the closed toilet seat (it just falls in and sinks if you leave it open). After finding a pool of rice water on the floor a few times, I realized that the dangle angle was responsible. With some experimentation, I learned to prop up one of the legs of cooker with any available object that lifts it to a semi-level position, compensating for the dangle.
The biggest issue with the dangle angle is sleeping. If the angle is too steep, or in the wrong direction, sleeping is precarious, literally. It can feel like you are going over a cliff in the middle of the night and it does not seem like a dream. Presently, the dangle angle elevates the head of the bed which is actually a better position than completely flat, at least for me. So long as I occasionally grasp the mattress above my head and drag myself back up to the top, I am fine.
This was probably much more than you wanted to know about my dangle angle. I hope you found it amusing and fun to read. God knows, we can all use more levity in our lives. Wait. Isn’t levity about dangle angles too?