Earth – A Balancing Act
Mother Earth, as I hope we all know my now, is immensely powerful and a fully conscious being, a power much greater than I think we humans can comprehend. Gaia has ways to heal Herself; after all She has been here a helluva long time.
One way in which She heals was just revealed to me. This way takes place in the interaction between the atmosphere and the land. This cooperative interaction rids the Earth of unhealthy (i.e., inharmonious energies or vibrations) elements. In our current situation, it is quite possible that we human beings may be an unhealthy element as far as Mother Earth is concerned. After all, Mother Earth and all the Universe is an expression of the One, the Universal Mind, the Single Consciousness That Permeates All and is All, constantly manifesting Itself through living forms, including us. Why are we more special than any other Creation? The Universe can express Itself in any form, it is not necessary that it be human.
But I digress…The rebalancing works in this manner. The atmosphere generates abnormally high and low pressure areas. In cooperation with the water, the atmosphere creates extreme weather as a result. But it is the atmospheric pressure exerted on the land that causes shifts in the outer layer of the earth that we perceive as earthquakes and volcanic activity. As you may have noticed, the frequency and intensity of earthquakes and eruptions has steadily increased in recent times. Although I haven’t tracked it precisely, I have been interested informally studying natural phenomena like earthquakes, volcanoes, storms, all kinds of extreme environmental events, my entire life. When I was a child, I remember voraciously reading every book I could find about volcanoes and earthquakes. One book, which I especially liked, had a whole chapter about the eruption of 1888 in Krakatoa, the post-eruption remnants of an island that is now part of Indonesia.
Krakatoa, is thought to be the most powerful volcanic eruption in recorded human history.
“In the year following the eruption, average global temperatures fell by as much as 1.2 °C (2.2 °F).The eruption darkened the sky worldwide for years afterward, and produced spectacular sunsets throughout the world for many months. This caused several cubic kilometers of material to enter the sea, displacing an equally huge volume of seawater. The town of Merak was destroyed by a tsunami 46 m (151 ft) high. The pressure wave radiated across the globe and was recorded on barographs all over the world, which continued to register it up to 5 days after the explosion. Barographic recordings show that the shock-wave from the final explosion reverberated around the globe 7 times in total. Ash was propelled to an estimated height of 80 km (50 mi).” – Wikipedia
Today, as we speak, no less than six major volcanic eruptions1 are underway around the world and four major earthquakes2 have taken place in the last 48 hours. And of course, a super typhoon3 devastated the Philippines this week. It seems fairly evident that some global adjustments are underway, adjustments that could be quite damaging to human health, and could even exterminate our species.
In sharing this information, my intent is just that – to share what has been given me. I am not asking you to believe it, but only to hear it. By all means, take a really big grain of salt with it. As I mentioned above, Mother Earth’s healing modalities are concerned with establishing harmony, balance and unity. Those things that are aligned with Her vibration I feel will not be effected by Her re-balancing, It is only those inharmonious conditions and vibrations that will be re-harmonized in order to balance the Earth’s energy.
I don’t pretend to consciously understand how all of this works. I am sure complex scientific knowledge is required to fully appreciate the adjustment mechanisms involved in the Great Re-balancing now underway. I don’t know the ramifications of this re-balancing and nor all of its implications. That wisdom is currently beyond my mind’s comprehension.
1 Volcano Destroying Life In Parts Of Sumatra
Volcano Smoking In Italy, Mt. Etna
Volcano Blows Its Top in Eastern Russia
Three Nearby Volcanoes Erupting Simultaneously
Volcano Activity in Antarctica
2 Earthquakes Magnitude 6.0+ Last Seven Days, Worldwide